Mailing Lists are back!

Hey friends, things on the internet have been getting pretty weird. I can’t keep up with the algorithm, and Facebook is taking news away from us… Basically, I don’t think I can reach you the way I used to. So I’m bringing back an old standard, the Mailing List.

So here’s the deal. Each month, on the first Sunday, I’m going to send out an email. In that email I’ll feature music news, a free download, a bit of movie fun (since I love movies, and I want to talk movies ALL THE TIME!), and finally a cute pic of a pet. Probably just my cat Tony, but I do know some suuuuper cute pets.

The September email has been sent out already, but I’d be happy to send it to you if you join the mailing list before October. The free download this month is of Beck’s Golden Age. Great tune, and as a treat I’ll show you the pet pic of the month below.

So sign up for my mailing list! I have a new album in the works, and you don’t want to miss a detail!

Tony helps me listen to the new mixes for my next album!