Happy Holidays!

Hey there! Well, it's been a pretty interesting year for me.  After much laboring, I released my first full length album "Like Birds Too Tired to Fly", and, happily, it received rave reviews!  I also got to tour with Olenka and the Autumn Lovers this fall, a wonderful experience that I chronicled over at my blog.

I'm not sure what next year holds.  Ideally, it'll be some touring of my own, and maybe some new recordings... and Arts and Crafts will sign me.. or True North, I'm not picky.

Anyways, happy holidays!  As a special gift, I have a couple holiday downloads for you!  

This is a version of "Silver and Gold", from the one of my favorite Christmas classics, Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer.  It features the wonderful violin work of Alex Cheung, and was recorded by Myke Mazzei


And how about one more? My good friend Alexis Marsh and I put together a little holiday EP a couple years ago. Here is one of my favorite tracks, a Moriconne-esque version of "What Child is This?"


Thank you all for taking the time to listen, download, come out to shows, and spread the good word of Shawn Clarke! I really appreciate it, and I hope we can do more in the new year!